Nail Repair Serum
Nail Repair Serum
Product Description
Keep your nails and cuticles in prime condition with this nail repair serum. Formulated with Omega 3, Vitamin E, Lemon Oil, Jojoba Oil, Zinc. This serum which is thicker and more effective than an oil will nourish, hydrate and strengthen your nails. When used twice a day, you’ll be left with longer, shiny, strong, healthy nails and cuticles.
How to use
It is applied twice daily on both your nails & cuticles.
After applying this serum, you should leave it on your nails for at least 15 minutes, and then massage it to both your nails & cuticles.
You can leave it over night or rinse it off.
You are expected to see results after 1 week of use
وصف المنتج
يحتوي على الزنك والكالسيوم وفيتامين E وأوميغا 3.
يمنع ويزيل اصفرار الأظافر يمنح الجلد الذي يحيط الاظافر منظر صحي وناعم.
هذا المنتج يغذي أظافرك أيضًا ، ويعطيها لون وردي و لامع
كيفيه الاستخدام
يتم وضعه مرتين يوميًا على كل من أظافرك والجلد.
بعد تطبيق هذا السيروم العلاجي، يجب تركه على أظافرك لمدة 15 دقيقة على الأقل ، ثم تدليكه على أظافرك والجلد.
يمكنك تركه طوال الليل أو شطفه.
من المتوقع أن ترى نتائج بعد أسبوع من الاستخدام
12 ML
European materials manufactured in Egypt
Leda Beauty imports European encapsulated raw materials which makes it easier for the skin cells to absorb them, increasing the effect of the product on the targeted claim by up to 90%
Cruelty Free
Our entire collection is vegan and cruelty free.
We only use the finest
natural ingredients. -
Clinically Proven
All our formulas are clinically proven with real results
Paraben Free
No Parabens are used in our products, making them kind to your skin